WNY Fence Contractors' Newsletter

January 21, 2008 meeting

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Meeting was held at Frog Hair Indoor Golf on January 21, 2008. Although we sent out many invitations to present and prospective local members, attendance was lower than expected. We will blame mother nature and hope to see a better turnout at the next meeting(s).

Meeting Attendees
Charlie Reid - Picket Fence
John High - Picket Fence
Kathy Becker - Picket Fence
John Hewson - City Fence
Steve Caccia - Star Fence
Kathy Redden - Classic Fence
Mike Gould - Merchants Metals
Tony - Guardian Fence

Topics Covered
Web site improvement - Discussed looking into a new, more extensive website. This is a no cost website which is limited in space.  Side Note: We have secured a free listing on YellowPageCity.com for the association which provides a link to this website.
AFA Scholarship for 2009 - Discussed the need to apply some criteria for any employees interested in applying.
Kirk Sherwood - A $500 donation was sent to Kirk Sherwood from Woodsmith Fence to help with his medical expenses.
Advertising - We have entered into a coop-advertising program with the AFA to air public service announcements to promote awareness of the benefits of dealing with an AFA contractor. There will be (19) 30-second spots per week on WJYE (Joy) for 10 weeks. Plus an additional 10 spots during the news (brought to you by...) The ad is a pre-recorded message that is provided by the AFA. It will run from March to June.
Donation - Amherst Paw Park. This will be an off-lease area for dogs on Smith Rd. The association and any company making a direct contribution will have signs posted at the park upon completion. This is a high-visibilty project and a good way to get our name out there. Anyone interested should contact Charlie.
Future Meetings - We discussed some ideas such as a safety/first aid, OSHA and Christmas donation meetings. Any additional ideas are welcome.
UFPO - Kathy Redden discussed Dig Safely issues and the continued refusal by Premier to locate underground line on customer property.
